Book + Film

Melina Sedó & Detlef Engel present a comprehensive instructional Book + Film for Argentine Tango:

Caminar Abrazados




At the very heart of Tango lies a simple truth: Tango is walking in an embrace. Every movement is made in the service of the embrace that gives Tango its unique feeling, energy and intimacy.
These dedicated pedagogues have been teaching together internationally since 2001. In this work, they explore and explain the groundwork which builds the walk as well as more complex movements, develops the embrace, and facilitates musical interpretation.
Whether you are a total beginner or an experienced dancer, Caminar Abrazados will accompany you on the fascinating road to making this beautiful dance your very own.
The world of the embrace awaits you!

In brief Caminar Abrazados offers:

  • Clear, incremental, detailed instruction on the Tango basics of movement, connection and embrace.
  • Effective guidance on how to understand and dance to Tango music.
  • Essential information about dancing Tango socially.
  • Helpful practical exercises for solo, partner and group practice.
  • Almost 200 pages with more than 100 pictures, graphics and charts.
  • An accompanying (2,5 hour) DVD*/film in which Melina, Detlef and colleagues illustrate the movements and concepts referred to in the text with exercises, sequences danced to music, views from above and slow motion.

There are 3 versions available:

  • The English hardcover edition: regular price 48 € (+ 5€ shipping costs) A note: Yes, one can also order via Amazon and save shipping costs. But then, most of the profit is made by Amazon and the other wholesalers involved. So, want to make sure, that the income goes to the authors, please order via our shop.
  • The English digital edition: 48 € (PDF + Full HD film)
  • Die deutsche digitale Ausgabe: 48 € (PDF + Full HD film)

Read what others have to say about Caminar Abrazados:

Caminar Abrazados was produced in co-operation with the artist Thorsten Janes, who filmed and edited the film, made all still photos for the book and edited it.

Watch this trailer to get an impression about the film and its production:

* The DVD included in the hardcover edition of Caminar Abrazados was produced in Europe and uses the TV-standard PAL. The DVD will play on all computers, no matter which operating system or where you live. But please be aware that older DVD-players for TVs in the USA and some South Americas countries (NTSC) or in Russia and some African countries (SECAM) might not be able to read the PAL format. Please inform yourself in advance about your national TV-standard and the options of your DVD player.